
Cell Banking


About Cord Blood


The best decision for your baby

Deciding to store your baby’s cord blood is an important decision.
Your baby’s umbilical cord contains many types of cord blood that can be saved for your family for potential medical use.

Why store cord blood?

Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and has been successfully used for 30+ years in the treatment of 81+ conditions. Including blood and bone marrow disorders such as the leukemia and anaemias, immune deficiencies and certain genetic disorders.

Umbilical cord tissue has been shown to be particularly rich in mesenchymal cells(MSCs) which can differentiate into different cell types, such as bone, cartilage, nerve, muscle and skin.


GC Cell Life Line greenTM

What`s special GC Cell cord blood bank

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    Global-level rigorous clinical testing system impeccable standards

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    Transportation system & service backed by experts

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    Every month cell viability testing

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    Dedicated storage space for cord blood

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    Cord blood genetic testing service

A healthy future can be planned by only 5 steps


Contact our e-mail


  • +82 80 578 0131


Inform your OBGY doctor

A trained and licensed phlebotomist from a dedicated service will perform the collection


Your kit is collected

Once your baby’s sample has been collected, call GC Cell customer center. They will send a GC Cell expert to collect and transport the sample to GC Cell center


Samples are processed

Your baby’s sample is tested, processed, and cryogenically frozen at GC Cell center


Samples are stored for 17-40 years

GC Cell customer will call you to confirm the successful storage of your baby’s sample. This sample will be stored safely for years as you contracted

  • GC Cell Life Line green
More about GC Cell cord blood bank

Every month Cell Viability Testing

GC Cell has been continuously researching cell survival rates even before starting the cell banking business. Through repeated research efforts, the organization has been conducting monthly extractions of stored research blood for quality management and assurance purposes. After thawing, survival rate tests are conducted to ensure the stability of blood cells. The organization maintains a stable and high survival rate based on these research outcomes. Currently, GC Cell and the Cancer Biotechnology Research Institute are persistently striving to maximize the stability of cell storage by utilizing more advanced technologies beyond the conventional 7-AAD measurement method.